What is the value of 1986 quarter?

The Washington Quarter series started for the first time in 1932 and is still in circulation. The first time these coins were made with a silver composition of 90 percent was until 1964 and then replaced with cupronickel in 1965 quarters. The 1986 quarters are also part of a series that was made after cupronickel and come with different grades and values. In this post, we will cover details for the 1986 quarters and features for finding values. So let’s get started with how much a 1986 quarter was worth.

1986 Quarter value chart

Mint Mark Good Fine Extremely Fine Uncirculated Proof MS 65 PR 63 MS67
1986 No Mint Mark Silver Dollar $22.00 $22.00 $22.00 $37 / $13 $2,000
1986 S Proof Silver Dollar / / / / $62 $5.00
1986 D quarter
$20 $5,000

1986 Quarter Value Details

  • Types: Washington Quarter dollar
  • Mints: Philadelphia, Denver, and San Francisco
  • Total Mintage: 1,058,508,490
  • Face value: Twenty-five cents
  • Shape: Round
  • Diameter: 24.3 mm
  • Thickness: 1.75 mm
  • Observe & Rev designer: John Flanagan
  • Edge: Reeded
  • Weight: 5.67 grams
  • Composition: 91.67% Copper, 8.33% Nickel

1986 quarter value

History of the 1986 Quarter

The Washington quarter was first made in 1932 to celebrate the 200th anniversary of the USA’s first president. The bicentennial committee members asked to make Washington half dollars, but it was replaced with standing liberty quarters that were issued in 1932. About 6.2 million quarters were made. The photo of the president can be seen on coins facing the left and was designed by designer John Flanagan. The quarter dollar design is a famous design made through copper and nickel composition that was struck with silver and used until 1998.

The 1986 quarters are part of a series of Washington quarters, and only two mints, Philadelphia and Denver, produced them.

1986 Washington quarter types

Mint Minted
1986 P quarter 551,199,333
1986 D quarter 504,298,660
1986 S quarter proof 3,010,497
Total 1,058,508,490

Features of the 1986 Quarter

Obverse of the 1986 Quarter

The front side of 1986 quarters has a photo of President George Washington, and the words IN GOD WE TRUST are also written there. The word LIBERTY and the minting date can be seen there, and the mint mark P, S, or D is also on this side added.

Reverse of the 1986 Washington quarter

The 1986 quarters on the backside come with a bald eagle. The motto E PLURIBUS UNUM  and country name UNITED STATES OF AMERICA also written there.The two olive branches also on this side exist and are used as a peace symbol. The QUARTER DOLLAR union also seen there

Some other features of 1986 quarters are

  • Its face value is 25 cents and round shape.
  • The coin composition is 91.67% copper and 8.33% nickel.
  • The thickness of the coin is 1.75 mm, and the diameter is 24.3 mm.
  • Coin weight is 5.67 g, and the edge is reeded.

Features of the 1986 Quarter

Face value 25 cents
Shape Round
91.67% copper and 8.33% nickel
Coin thickness 1.75 mm
Coin diameter 24.3 mm
Coin weight 5.67 g
Edge Reeded

1986 P Quarter Value

Philadelphia Mint quarters made more than 551 million quarters in 1986, and these coins do not have a mint mark. Most of these coins are in circulation. About 193 million out of 551 million coins are still in circulation.

These coins come in different grades, from poor to high grade, that are of different value.

The 1986 P quarters in circulated conditions are about face value. The MS65 grade gem coin is about 22 dollars, while the MS66 grade is 90 dollars.

MS66+, graded coins are about 300 dollars. MS67 grade coins are about 2000 dollars.

Mint state quarters are less than one dollar, and in good state, we can get 36 dollars.

1986 P MS 67 Washington quarter sold for 2880 dollars in 2019.

Grade 1986 P quarter
Good $0.25
Very good $0.25
Fine $0.25
Very fine $0.25
Extra fine $0.25
AU $0.25
MS 60 $0.35
MS 61 $0.35
MS 62 $0.35
MS 63 $0.50
MS 64 $0.75
MS 65 $1
MS 66 $36
MS 67 $1,560

1986 D quarter value

The Denver Mint has about 504 million quarters and has the D mint mark. Now about 177 million coins exist in different grades. In high-quality or mint states, more than 53 million quarters exist. Circulated coins are about 25 cents face value. MS65 grade coins can get 15 dollars.

MS66 grade is about 40 dollars, and MS66+ is about 80 dollars. The coins with high-grade MS67+ sold for 37509 dollars. The MS67 grade coins sold in 2010 for 900 dollars. Some other 1986 D quarters are valued as

Grade 1986 D quarter
Good $0.25
Very good $0.25
Fine $0.25
Very fine $0.25
Extra fine $0.25
AU $0.25
MS 60 $0.35
MS 61 $0.35
MS 62 $0.35
MS 63 $0.50
MS 64 $0.75
MS 65 $1
MS 66 $22
MS 67 500$

1986 S Proof Quarter Value

The S mint made proof quarters of more than 3 million with the S mint mark. The proof coins come with good shine and a polished planchet used for them. These coins are made for collectors.

The proof coins in uncirculated conditions, lower grade PR61, have about up to 7 dollars. Pr67 is about 8 dollars.

PR69 grade 1986 S quarters are about 17 dollars.

The 1986 S DCAM quarters for different grades are as

  • PR 67 is about four dollars, and PR 67 is six dollars.
  • PR69 grade is about 8 dollars, and PR70 grade is 18 dollars.

1986 Quarter Errors List

Broad-Struck Error

This error occurs when the die strikes on coins deeply, making them larger than the normal size. That error is called a broad struck error coin. The broad strike error can be seen on the coin rim, and it is not commonly seen with the value of 20 dollars.

Broad-Struck and Double-Struck Error

The broad struck error is such an error that is not accurately put in the collar when it gets struck. As a result, metal expanded from its base point. This error was seen on P-minted 1986 quarter coins. Since it was not released from the press after struck, it then got a 2nd strike. This coin’s error with an MS64 grade sold for about 125 dollars.

Missing Letters Error

In this error, coins do not have the letter A in the word AMERICA that was removed due to the use of an older die and resulted in the missing letter. The coins with this error have a value of about $80.

Triple Curved Clips

In some conditions, planchet is not accurately clipped from metallic strip. The coin struck on defective planchet makes the missing part that makes the clip error. The 1986 D-minted quarters have three curved clips. that can be seen on the letters L, I, and B of the word LIBERTY. The coin with this error sold for $140.

1986 Quarter Value Varieties

1986 P Washington Quarter Value 1986-S Proof Washington Quarter
1986 D Washington Quarter Dollar
Type: Washington Quarter Washington Quarter
Washington Quarter
Year: 1986 1986 1986
Face Value: $0.25 $0.25 $0.25
Composition: 91.67% Copper and 8.33% Nickel 91.67% Copper and 8.33% Nickel
91.67% Copper and 8.33% Nickel
Total Weight: 5.67 g 5.67 g 5.67 g
Diameter: 24.3 mm 24.3 mm 24.3 mm
Thickness: 1.95 mm 1.95 mm 1.95 mm
Edge: Reeded Reeded Reeded
Minted in: Philadelphia
San Francisco
Quantity Minted: 551,199,333 3,010,497 504,298,660



What is the mintage of 1986 quarters?

The three mints made 1986 quarters in different grades: Philadelphia mint made 551,199,333; Denver mint made 504,298,660; and S mint made 3,010,497.

What year of quarters is most valuable?

Clad quarters coins made with a copper core from 1965. Those made with high mintage and fewer coins are rare, and most of them are thousand-dollar coins. Silver coins made from 1932 to 1964 and circulated in conditions are rare and high value.

Valuable quarter Mint Mark Grade Sold for Sold in
1932 D MS 66 $143,750 2008
1932 S MS 66 $45,500 2020
1,949 D MS 68 $43,475 2019
1,932 MS 67 $40,250 2012

Are all 1986 quarters silver?

The quarters coins made from 1932 to 1965 are silver quarters, and coins made after 1965 are cupronickel quarters that have cupronickel-clad.

Which 1986 Washington quarter is most valuable?

Year Mint Mark Grade Sale for Sale in
1986 P MS 67 $2,880 2019
1986 D MS 67 $900 2010
1986 S PR 70 DCAM $552 2003
1986 S PR 69 DCAM $18.00 2018

What is the value of a 1986 quarter?

The 1986 quarters in circulated condition are about $0.85, and the 1986 P quarters in uncirculated condition sell for $625.

What is my 1986 D quarter worth?

$0.30 $0.30 $0.30

What quarters from the 1980s are valuable?

The 1982 and 1983 quarters are high-value coins for the 1980s.

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