1944 Nickel Value: Features, Error, Types & Mint mark

The 1944 nickels are part of the Jefferson nickel coins series that are important in USA history. These coins with Jefferson’s president photo were made as a replacement for Buffalo nickels in 1938. The 1944 nickel coins can be worth thousands of dollars based on grade and conditions. Here we will discuss different factors for finding the value of a 1944 nickel. Let’s get started with how much a 1944 nickel is worth.

1944 Nickels value Chart

1944 Jefferson Nickels
Good Very Good Fine Very Fine Extremely Fine About Uncirculated Uncirculated Uncirculated
1944 P Jefferson Nickels
$2.21 $3 $3 $4.27 $4.53 $5.84 $9.44 $38
1944 D Jefferson Nickels
$2.21 $2.83 $3 $4 $4.53 $5.84 $9.44 $38
1944 S Jefferson Nickels
$2.21 $2.83 $3.43 $4 $4.53 $6.50 $8.12 $27

1944 nickel value

1944 P Nickel Value

The Philadelphia mint made 119,150,000 Jefferson nickels. These coins come with a P mint mark on the backside. The 1944 P mint coins have large mintage and were used for circulation, and most of these coins have poor strikes and result in low value for circulated conditions.

But uncirculated conditions 1944 P Jefferson nickels are high value. Circulated coins in the range of 2 to 4 dollars. Uncirculated 1944 P nickels are about 800 dollars.

MS67+ grade coins are about 400 dollars. MS60 grade coins sold in 2011 for 7475 dollars.

FS nickels MS64 are about 30 dollars, and FS 1944 P nickels MS65 are 65 dollars.

MS66 grade nickels with FS features are about 120 dollars.

The Full step MS67+ nickel sold in 2014 for  $9,400

United States of America
Year of Issue: 1944
Five Cents (USD)
Weight: 5.00 g
Diameter: 21.21 mm
OBV Designer: Felix Schlag
REV Designer: Felix Schlag
Quality: Business Strike
Mintmark: P (Philadelphia)
Mintage: 119,150,000
.560 Copper, .350 Silver, .090 Manganese

1944 D Jefferson nickel value

The Denver mint made 2,309,000 Jefferson nickels in 1944. The 1944 D nickels are well struck and come with sharp strikes. The value of 1944 D nickels in circulated conditions is about 2 to 5 dollars, and uncirculated coins are about 800 dollars.

Mint state coins are about 5 to 220 dollars. MS64 grade coins are about 35 dollars, and MS65 grades are 40 dollars. MS66 grades are 55, and MS67 are 220 dollars.

MS68 grade coins are about 6350 dollars. The full step coins sold for $22,325 in 2012.

1944 S Nickel Value

The San Francisco mint also made 21,640,000 nickels in 1944. The circulated condition coins are about 1 to 5 dollars. Mint state collectors are in the range of 5 to 130 dollars.

MS68 grade coins are about 1500 dollars. An MS68 grade coin sold in 2021 for 6169 dollars.

MS64 1944 S nickels are about 90 dollars, MS65 are about 200 dollars, and MS66 value is 460 dollars.

MS67 grade coins are about 800 dollars.

MS68+ S 1944 nickels sold in 2021 for $6,169.

FS Jefferson nickel 1944 S mint, a high-value MS68, has a value of about 20000 dollars. In 2015, it sold for $14,100.

1944 Nickel Errors

Repunched Mintmark Nickel Error

This error results when die strikes on coins make mint mark punching more than one time at the wrong point than the accurate point. The RPM error can easily be seen on 1944 P, D, and S minted coins. The value of these error coins is up to 100 dollars.

Double RPM error nickels are about 10 dollars; triple or more RPM error coins are more than 100 dollars.

The 1944 MS67 D over D nickel coins sold for 742 in 2018 dollars. MS66+ grade coins are about 800 dollars.

Doubled Die Error

This error comes with a doubling design factor on coins, and the doubling effect can be seen on the coin number details, letters, and mint mark. The coins with double die error are about 30 dollars. The rare doubling effect error coins with minor doubling effects are about 100 dollars.

Off-center Error

This error occurs at the time of die striking on coins when the design is not printed on the coins, missing the central alignment and causing a percentage off-center error. The 50 percent off-center error coins are about 110 to 420 dollars. But if you have five to ten percent off center, they are about 10 dollars.

History of the 1944 Jefferson Nickel

The Jefferson nickel was first made in 1938 as a replacement for Buffalo nickels. The buffalo nickels were made for about 25 years and then replaced with Jefferson nickels. President FD Roosevelt admired the services of Thomas Jefferson, and he added a photo of the president on coins. The design of coins was selected through competition by Fexli Schlag out of 390 designs.

The nickel coin composition was changed with time, but coins come with 75 percent copper and 25 percent nickel. War nickels were made from 192 to 1946 and come with a metallic composition of 56% copper, 35% silver, and 9% manganese. The 1944 nickels are part of this war nickel series.

The P, S, and D mints made 1944 nickels, and all these coins have a mint mark.

Mintage of 1944 nickels is as

1944 nickel Minted
1944 P nickel 119,150,000
1944 S nickel 21,640,000
1944 D nickel 32,309,000
Total 173,099,000

1944 Jefferson Nickel Types

Most valuable 1944 P Value

Grade Sold in Sold for
MS67+FS August 7, 2022 $5,237.87
May 6, 2024 $3,120
MS67+FS February 25, 2021 $4,560
MS67+FS March 2014 $9,400
July 2020 $3,407.50
August 15, 2024 $2,040
MS67+FS February 22, 2018 $4,560
August 16, 2021 $2,640
MS67+FS June 4, 2015 $7,637.50
February 4, 2024 $3,487.50

Features of the 1944 Jefferson Nickel

Obverse of the 1944 Jefferson nickel

The coin’s front side comes with a photo of Thomas Jefferson, president, and the word LIBERTY also written. The minting date 1944 is also written there, and the motto IN GOD WE TRUST is also seen on this side.

Reverse of the 1944 Jefferson nickel

The coin’s backside comes with Jefferson Home Monticello. The motto E PLURIBUS UNUM is also written on this side. The mint marks S, P, and D are seen on this reverse side.

The word MONTICELLO is also seen there with FIVE CENT denominations. Country name UNITED STATES OF AMERICA also on this side

Some other features of 1944 nickels are as

  • The face value of nickels is about 5 cents with a plain edge.
  • The weight of coins is 1.75 grams, and the composition is 56 percent copper and the remaining manganese.
  • The diameter of coins is 21.2 mm, and the thickness of coins is 1.95 mm).
Face value Five cents
Shape Round
Coin thickness 0.07677 inches
Coin weight
0.16075 troy ounces
Coin diameter 0.83504 inches
Edge Plain
56%copper: 35% silver : 9% manganese ratio
Silver weight
0.05625 troy ounces


Is the 1944 nickel rare?

The mintage of 1944 nickels was about 170 million and is larger in number. But some coins are in circulation, low-value coins with full steps are rare, and high-value coins are

Which 1944 nickel is most valuable?

Grade Mintmark Sold for Sold in
MS68 D $22,325 2012
MS68 S $14,100 2015
MS66+ D/D $750 2019
MS67 D/D $742 2018
MS67+ P $9,400 2014
MS60 P $7,475 2011
MS68+ S $6,169 2021

What is value of 1944 P Jefferson nickel?

The 1944 P minted nickels are about 1.50 to 3 dollars. Mint states are about 4 to 80 dollars. MS68 grades are high value, about 1000 dollars. Full step coins have a value of about 500 dollars.

What is the most valueable Jefferson nickel?

Valuable Nickels
Mintmark Sold for sold in
1954 S MS 67 FS Nickel S $35,250 2020
1969 D MS 65 FS Nickel D $33,600 2021
1964 SMS SP 68 FS Nickel SMS $32,900 2016
1949 D/S MS 67 Nickel D/S $32,900 2014

What is the value of the 1944 S nickel?

The value of the 1944 S nickel is based on conditions and grade. Normally, S mint poor strike coins with low design are low value. Circulated 1944 S coins are more than face value. Average conditions values are about $1.25 and $4. Uncirculated coins are about $1500.

How to tell if a 1944 nickel is silver?

The Jefferson nickels made from 192 to 1945 come with 35 percent. So we can say 1944 nickels have a silver content. The reverse side of silver war nickels comes with the prominent Monticello mansion.

What is special about a 1944 nickel?

The 1944 nickels were made at a time of wartime that makes these coins historical. These coins come with some good features, like having silver content and a mint mark on the back side on the upper part of Monticello.

What is the value of the 1944 P nickel?

The 1944 nickels come with 3 different components in composition with 35 percent silver. With copper and manganese, the MS60 to MS66 grade 1944 P grade coins are about 30 dollars.

What is the composition of 1944 nickels?

The 1944 nickel was made at the time of war. That comes with different compositions, like a mixture of copper, silver, and manganese. The less copper used, the more copper used for war instruments.

What is the error on the 1944 nickel P?

The coins were struck with a copper-nickel planchet, unlike the wartime silver alloy planchet that does not come with a nickel composition. The composition must be silver, manganese, and copper.

What nickel is worth $1,000,000?

Nickel Coins
1913 Liberty Head Nickel $3.7 million
1937-D Buffalo Nickel (Three-Legged) $150,000
1918/7-D Buffalo Nickel $350,750
1916 Buffalo Nickel (Doubled Die Obverse) $281,750

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